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Subscribing to a data stream in the Synternet Data Layer (DL) means that you, as a developer, are expressing your interest in receiving real-time updates and information from a specific data stream originating from a blockchain. When you subscribe to a data stream, you become a recipient of continuous and up-to-date data, such as blockchain transactions, smart contract events, token transfers, and other relevant activities.

To subscribe to a data stream via the Synternet DAL, follow these steps:

  1. Access the Developer Portal: Start by heading to the Synternet Developer Portal, where you can manage your dApps and interact with data streams.

  2. Register Your dApp: If you haven't done so already, register your dApp in the Developer Portal. This step is necessary to manage your interactions with data streams.

  3. Select Your dApp: Once your dApp is registered, choose the specific dApp to which you want to subscribe a data stream. Click on your dApp to access its details.

  4. Add Stream: Within your dApp's details, click on the "Subscribe" button. This will display a list of available data streams that you can subscribe to.

  5. Choose Data Stream: Browse through the list of available data streams and select the one that matches your requirements or interests. Each data stream represents a different aspect of the blockchain data.

  6. Confirm Subscription: After selecting the data stream, confirm your subscription.

  7. Approval via Wallet: Depending on the blockchain's requirements, you may need to approve the subscription transaction through your Keplr wallet. This step ensures that you have permission to receive data from the selected stream.

  8. Start Receiving Data: Once you've completed the subscription process and any necessary wallet approvals, your dApp will start receiving real-time updates from the subscribed data stream. These updates will contain relevant and continuous information from the blockchain, empowering your dApp with the latest data to perform various tasks and functions. You can view the data flow by clicking the "Preview" button in the Developer Portal's dApp view.

  9. Build Your Back End Application: With the data streams successfully subscribed to, it's time to use the power of Synternet's SDKs to build your back-end application. Our Software Development Kits (SDKs) provide a seamless and efficient way to consume the data streams you've selected, allowing you to work with real-time blockchain data effortlessly.

What's next?

Interact with the data

As developers within the Synternet Data Layer (DL), you have the exciting opportunity to use the power of raw data streams sourced from various blockchains. Each data stream holds unique characteristics specific to its originating blockchain, offering unmatched flexibility to tailor and adapt the data precisely to suit your decentralized application's (dApp) requirements. Here's a guide on how you can interact with these raw data streams:


Filtering data streams allows you to extract specific and relevant information from the raw blockchain data. By applying filters, you can narrow down the data to only include transactions, events, or activities that are of interest to your dApp. This process enables you to focus on the essential data, improving efficiency and reducing unnecessary information.


Data transformation empowers you to convert raw blockchain data into more human-readable or machine-understandable formats. You can restructure the data, apply formatting, or extract key insights from the stream. Transforming data opens up endless possibilities for data presentation and analysis within your dApp.


Combining data streams from multiple sources enables you to create powerful and comprehensive datasets. By merging data streams, you can enrich your dApp with information from various blockchains, offering a more holistic view and enhancing the value of your application.

Cross-chain interactions

DL's cross-chain interactions have the potential to connect and interact with data streams originating from different blockchains. This groundbreaking capability allows you to bridge the gap between multiple blockchain ecosystems, enabling seamless data sharing and interoperability across diverse networks.