📄️ Go
There is a newer currently undocumented GoLang library available here.
📄️ JavaScript
This section of the documentation is outdated and needs to be updated.
📄️ Python
pubsub-python is a Python example illustrating the use of the Synternet Data Layer project, which facilitates subscription to existing data streams or publishing new ones. This example employs the NATS messaging system and offers a simpler starting point for integrating Python applications with the Synternet Data Layer platform.
📄️ Rust
pubsub-rust is a Rust library for the Synternet Data Layer project that enables you to subscribe to existing data streams or publish new ones. This library is built on top of the NATS messaging system and provides a convenient way to integrate your Rust applications with the Synternet Data Layer platform.
📄️ Web Sockets (TypeScript)
synternet-pubsub-ws is a TypeScript library for the Synternet Data Layer project that allows you to subscribe to existing data streams or publish new ones from frontend applications. This library is built on top of the NATS messaging system with WebSocket support, providing a convenient way to integrate your frontend TypeScript applications with the Synternet Data Layer platform.